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Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Posted: Fri 17. Jan 2014, 22:11
by NY3M
Hello. First let me thank DL2RUM for this most excellent program! It's the best thing going for Mac users.

Now, my question. Is there a way to edit the power level field of a batch of past QSO's? I'm doing computer-logging after years off the air. I found RUMlog and entered over 5000 QSOs from my old paper logs. Some of these were QRP, some QRO. I accidentally entered a couple of hundred of them as QRPp that should have actually been 70-watt qso's. I really don't want to have to edit each of them individually, after sweating through the original 5000 entries.

73, Bill NY3M

Re: Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Posted: Sat 18. Jan 2014, 14:59
It seems, I've just forgotten to enable the Power field for batch editing. It will be corrected in the next version. Please let me know, if you need this function urgent.

Re: Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Posted: Sat 18. Jan 2014, 15:32
by NY3M
It is not urgent. Thank you.

73 Bill NY3M