Batch edit QSO's -- power level

QSO logging software for the Mac
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Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Unread post by NY3M »

Hello. First let me thank DL2RUM for this most excellent program! It's the best thing going for Mac users.

Now, my question. Is there a way to edit the power level field of a batch of past QSO's? I'm doing computer-logging after years off the air. I found RUMlog and entered over 5000 QSOs from my old paper logs. Some of these were QRP, some QRO. I accidentally entered a couple of hundred of them as QRPp that should have actually been 70-watt qso's. I really don't want to have to edit each of them individually, after sweating through the original 5000 entries.

73, Bill NY3M
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Re: Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Unread post by DL2RUM »

It seems, I've just forgotten to enable the Power field for batch editing. It will be corrected in the next version. Please let me know, if you need this function urgent.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Joined: Tue 26. Nov 2013, 22:33

Re: Batch edit QSO's -- power level

Unread post by NY3M »

It is not urgent. Thank you.

73 Bill NY3M