Considerations for using RUMlog2Go

RUMlog for the iPad and iPhone
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Considerations for using RUMlog2Go

Unread post by wb2pkr »

Thinking about using RUMlog2Go. Been a RUMlogNG user for years.

I dont think I will use the logging features too much but I would like to be able to use the DX spot filters and alarms that I have setup in RUMlogNG on my mac. Id like to be able to see these in real time from my iPhone and or iPad, especially while NOT in the shack. (Dont want to miss that rare DX that pops up once in a while without notice.)

I also dont want to have to have a separate setup. Id like to use iCloud to access the same data and configurations file that my mac version (RUMlogNG) uses.

I googled for a demo video of RUMlog2Go but didnt find one. Is this possible? Anyone else doing this?

73, Ron WB2PKR
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Re: Considerations for using RUMlog2Go

Unread post by DL2RUM »

See here: app.php/downloads for the Catalyst version to become an idea.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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