How to choose K3 as Tranciever

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How to choose K3 as Tranciever

Unread post by M0XDF »

Just cranked up RUMPed for the first time - it complained about no Preferences - I set them, every time I restart it, it complains about no preferences.

But my burning question is - how do I tell it to interface to a K3, I see a TS-570 and 3 Icoms, nothing else listed.
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Re: How to choose K3 as Tranciever

Unread post by DL2RUM »

I guess, you have saved your settings.
Sometimes it happens, that the preferences file structure becomes corrupted or damaged. This happened before, but not very often. Go to your user home directory and delete the following file: /Users/Your_Username/Library/Preferences/RumDX.plist
Go through the preferences and save it before closing the window. Restart RUMped and see if it works correct now.

If you want to use a K3, use the Kenwood TS-570 setting. The CAT protocol is very similarly. K3 owners tested it, it works fine.
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM
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Re: How to choose K3 as Tranciever

Unread post by M0XDF »

Tried that, there was a file, perhaps from an old version, but after trashing it and trying again, it has not created the file and is still giving the error.

I tried changing something with a red dot, incase it doesn't save that info in preferences at (something I'd like it to do, so it's always there as a default), but that didn't help.

Obviously tried this a couple of times.

How dependant is this on having a good MySQL connection? Having Started MySQL well before RUMPed and then started RUMPed, I didn't get the message once - so this is intermittent :-(
But it still didn't create a plist and next launch of RUMPed, it complained about not preferences again.

I've installed MySQL (latest) and noted that the ReadMe says that passwords are blank by default, but when I try to create a new log, I get get errors.
I have screen shots of various error dialogues - how do I attach them here or shall I email direct?
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Re: How to choose K3 as Tranciever

Unread post by DL2RUM »

MySQL is required for RUMped. In the original MySQL version is the default username Root, with no password given. There are other distributions out there, like MAMP or XAMP. I don't know, if there are other defaults. You can post attachments here using the upload feature when you write a new post below the text box.
Please post or e-mail the error messages and your file 'RumDX.plist'
73 and best dx de Tom, DL2RUM